Merita Mustafai, Elmir Mustafai
ABSTRACT: The decade efforts of the European Union for the establishment and implementation of environmental legislation have contributed to reducing the pollution of ambient air, water, soils, and the use of harmful chemicals or the management of hazardous waste. Tetovo, in the period from 2013 to 2017, was one of the most polluted cities in Europe, where according to measurements, the average pollution with PM10 particles was several times higher than the permissible maximum. The paper presents the basic problems that answer the questions: how much traffic has participated in the air pollution in Tetovo during that period, and what are the measures taken by the local and central government?
SAŽETAK: Desetljetni napori Evropske unije za uspostavljanje i provedbu zakonodavstva o okolišu doprinijeli su smanjenju zagađenja okolnog zraka, vode, tla i upotrebe štetnih hemikalija ili upravljanja opasnim otpadom. Tetovo je u periodu od 2013. do 2017. godine bio jedan od najzagađenijih gradova u Evropi, gdje je prema mjerenjima prosječno zagađenje česticama PM10 bilo nekoliko puta veće od dopuštenog maksimuma. U radu su predstavljeni osnovni problemi koji odgovaraju na pitanja: koliko je saobraćaj učestvovao u zagađenju zraka u Tetovu u tom periodu i koje mjere preduzima lokalna i centralna vlast?