Abidin Deljanin, Mirza Berković, Emir Deljanin


ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the problem of security reverse logistics processes and attitude towards eco - system. The aim is to examine the significance of the concept and security issues reverse logistics at all stages of the process. In this context, the problem facing society today is to find ways of treatment products that are rejected by end users or owners with the aim of reducing waste and conserving natural resources. The solution to this problem provides reverse logistics as reuse of products, in any form, benefiting both the environmental and socio-economic terms. Reverse logistics process differs from waste management and waste processing , since the waste management mainly refers to the effective and efficient waste collection whose accumulation was markedly frequency and spatially dispersed . Reverse logistics focuses on relapse products that possess a certain value and the prosecution of those products where the result of the processing enters a new supply chain where the present security problems.


SAŽETAK: U radu je razmatran problem sigurnosti riversnih logističkih procesa i odnos prema eko-sistemu. Cilj rada je sagledati značaj koncepta i sigurnosna pitanja riversne logistike u svim fazama procesa. U tom kontekstu problem s kojim se suočava današnje društvo je iznalaženje načina za tretman proizvoda koji su odbačeni od krajnih korisnika ili vlasnika a u cilju redukcije otpada i očuvanja prirodnih resursa. Rješenje ovog problema pruža riversna logistika jer ponovno korištenje proizvoda, u bilo kom obliku, donosi korist kako u ekološkom tako i u socioekonomskom pogledu. Proces riversne logistike se razlikuje od upravljanja otpadom i prerade otpada, pošto se upravljanje otpadom uglavnom odnosi na efektivno i efikasno prikupljanje otpada čije je nagomilavanje izrazito frekventno, a prostorno disperzirano. Riversna logistika se usredsređuje na povraćaj proizvoda koji posjeduju izvjesnu vrijednost i na procesuiranje tih proizvoda gdje rezultat procesuiranja ulazi u novi lanac snabdijevanja pri čemu su prisutni sigurnosni problemi.