Eladina Mujičić, Rasim Kovač, Edin Delić, Samir Čičak, Asmir Hakanović
Abstract: Economic development of a country is closely related to the development of infrastructure. Developed countries allocate about one-fifth of total investment (around 4% of GDP) in infrastructure because it has been shown that increase of infrastructure capacity by 1% directly increases GDP by 1% (World Bank, 1994). This is the reason why our country needs to intensify investment in road infrastructure. For data collection and analysis, and management of road infrastructure in the Zenica-Doboj Canton, software SUGOC is used. The software consists of a database (with additional modules for georeferenced videos, and customization and modification of geometric data), a module for maintenance of roads by which information is exchanged between the client and the contractor, and portal for management and analysis using the map. Efficient management of road infrastructure, besides the cost reduction, achieves greater traffic safety and helps achieving the goals set by the European Union for European countries. One of the goals is to reduce the number of deaths in road accidents by 50% in a period from 2010 to 2020, and by 2050. complete eradication of accidents with fatalities in road traffic.
Sažetak: Ekonomski razvitak jedne zemlje usko je povezan sa razvitkom infrastrukture. Razvijene zemlje izdvajaju oko petinu ukupnih ulaganja (oko 4% BDP-a) upravo u infrastrukturu, jer se pokazalo da povećanje infrastrukturnih kapaciteta za 1 % direktno utiče na povećanje BDP-a za 1 % (The World Bank, 1994). To je razlog zašto bi naša država morala intenzivirati ulaganja u cestovnu infrastrukturu. Za prikupljanje i analizu podataka, te upravljanje cestovnom infrastrukturom u Zeničko-dobojskom kantonu se koristi softver SUGOC. Softver se sastoji od baze podataka (uz dodatne module za georeferencirane video zapise, te prilagodbu i izmjenu geometrijskih podataka), modula za održavanje cesta kojim se razmjenjuju podaci između naručioca i izvođača radova, te portala za upravljanje i analizu pomoću karte. Efikasnim upravljanjem cestovnom infrastrukturom se, uz smanjenje troškova, postiže veća sigurnost saobraćaja i lakše dostizanje ciljeva koje Evropska unije postavlja zemljama Evrope. Jedan od ciljeva jeste i smanjenje broja poginulih u saobraćajnim nezgodama za 50 % u periodu od 2010 do 2020. godine, a do 2050. godine potpuno iskorjenjivanje nezgoda sa smrtnim ishodom u cestovnom saobraćaju.