ABSTRACT: The objectives of the United Nations General Assembly resolution 64/255 set for the period from 2011 to 2020, relating to giving priority to the prevention and traffic safety in order to save millions of lives. The same objectives for the next decade, and set the Directives, Norms and Recommendations of the EU. At the same time, SEETO States, a resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations UNSCR 1244/1999, must change the trend of the number of casualties in traffic accidents on the roads of the increase to reduce and try to reach the average number of casualties as is the EU. The main goal of the Regional Strategy for Road Safety (RRSS) is to reduce the number of deaths in road accidents by 50% (compared to the statistics in 2007) in the next 4 years. For the realization of the set goal in the traffic system should be used an integrated approach based on the next four elements: Education, Engineering, State of emergency, and Implementation/ Execution. This paper provides an overview of new strategic and operational measures in order to improve traffic safety. This meaning is related to engineering vehicles with special emphasis on technical road inspection and technical inspection of vehicles on the road, inspection procedures and methods for the elimination of defects in the vehicle, which are contained in Directive 2014/47 EC. Also in this paper is an analysis and risk assessment by the safety of vehicles in road traffic according to Directive 2014/47.
SAŽETAK: Ciljevi koje je Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih nacija postavila rezolucijom 64/255 za period od 2011. do 2020., odnose se na davanja prioriteta prevenciji i sigurnosti u saobraćaju kako bi se spasili milioni života. Isti ciljevi, za narednu deceniju, postavljeni su i Direktivama, Normama i Preporukama EU. U isto vrijeme, SEETO članice, rezolucijomVijeća sigurnostiUjedinjenih nacija UNSCR 1244/1999, moraju izmijeniti trend razvoja broja nastradalih u prometnim nezgodama na cestama od porasta ka smanjenju i pokušati dostići prosječni broj nastradalih kakav je u EU. Glavni cilj Regionalne strategije za sigurnost cestovnog prometa (RRSS) je da se smanji broj poginulih osoba u prometnim nezgodama do 50% do 2019. godine u poredenju sa statistickim podacima iz 2007. Za realizaciju postavljenog cilja u saobraćajnom sistemu koji se odnosi na smanjenje smrtno stradalih u saobraćaju treba koristi integrirani pristup zasnovan na četiri elementa: Obrazovanje, Inžinjering, Izvanredno stanje i Provedba/izvršenje. U ovom radu dat je pregled novih strateških i operativnih mjera za poboljšanje sigurnosti u saobraćaju, koje su vezane za inžinjering vozila sa posenim osvrtom na tehničku cestovnu inspekciju odnosno tehničke preglede vozila na cesti, inspekcijske procedure i metoda za otklanjanje nedostataka na vozilu koja su sadržane u direktivi 2014/47 EC. Također u ovom radu je izvršena analiza i procjena rizika od strane komercijalnih vozila na sigornost u cestovnom saobraćaju prema direktivi 2014/47 EC.