Association of Traffic and Communications Engineers of B&H



TITLE (not transcribed in one of the official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina)

TITLE (in English)


AUTHORS (The institutional affiliation for each author)


Categorization of paper: (Designated by the editorial and review committee) *


SUMMARY: (in one of the official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina: from 150 to 300 words)

KEY WORDS: (in one of the official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 3-6 words)


ABSTRACT: (in English)

KEY WORDS: (in English)


INTRODUCTION (a short description of the topic, clearly stated purpose and objective, specifying the methods and results obtained, a brief description of the paper structure, i.e. the description of the chapter)


ELABORATION: The paper should be organized through the numbering of the chapters and subdivided into Arabic numerals (eg 1., 1.1, 1.2, etc.). The summary and literature are not numbered.


Paper should be designed according to the following instructions:

  • store the document in MS Word (* .doc or * .docx format);
  • the standard size page (A4) with all the margins of 2.5 cm;
  • 0 spacing for the whole manuscript;
  • font: Times New Roman, size 11 (literature list, image names and table size 10)
  • not edit header or footer of a document;
  • pictures or photographs are enclosed in one of the following formats: * .jpg, * .bmp, * .tiff. with mandatory labeling under the image (eg Figure 1);
  • Tables and charts are indicated above the object (eg Table 1 or Graph 1);
  • The summary can have a maximum of 300 words.


CONCLUSION: (in one of the official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina)


REFERENCES: (specify using the APA style, which is explained in more detail below)


BIOGRAPHY: A short biography from photographic authors. The biography includes three paragraphs. The first paragraph may contain the place and date of birth. Then it is necessary to apply education, the area, the end of the year and the institution where it is acquired. In the second paragraph, the scope of the author's interest is the work experience, the current engagement (institution, location and type of work). In the second paragraph, the number of published papers in journals and conferences, possible rewards, etc. can be indicated (not obligatory). The third paragraph lists members in professional societies (if the author is a member).




The papers are published in the Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian languages (in Latin script) or in English. The reports are sent electronically to the editorial office in two ways: through the form available on the Association's website or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The document should be created in Microsoft Word (* .doc or * .docx).


The Editorial Board / Review Board shall classify papers in the following types:

  • Original scientific paper
  • Preliminary note
  • Review article
  • Professional paper


Number of pages

Manuscripts are limited to a maximum of one author's arak (about 15 pages A4 or 3000 letters), including graphic attachments. The editorial board can exceptionally accept extensive work. The restructuring can authorize the publication of works outside the above categories and with the length that exceeds the stated number of words, if the work is significant for the development of theory and practice in the field of interest for the magazine.

Manuscripts that do not comply with these instructions will be returned to authors.


References in the text

The use of APA Style is required when referring to a particular reference or quotation from an author (for more details see the link: or / 560/02).


The text lists the author's last name and year of publication, for example (Lindov, 2015) or Lindov (2015). In the case of referencing or citing paper with two authors, it is stated as follows: O. Lindov and A. Omerhodžić (2013) or (O. Lindov and A. Omerhodžić 2013). If referring to paper with multiple authors, the way of referencing references in the text is in the form of Lindov et al. (2016) or (Lindov et al., 2016). If referring to an idea from the other paper, but directly DO NOT cite the work, i.e. Calls for full work, the text only lists the author and year of publication, not the page number. Examples of references in the text:


According to Jones (1998), APA It's not easy when it's first used.


APA It's not easy when it's first used. (Jones, 1998)


If the text is quoted from another source, it is necessary to specify the page number, e.g. (Lindov, 2015, p. 199), or at the end of the quoted text, the page number is added (p.199). Examples of citing in the text:


According to the author Jones (1998), "Students often have problems using APA style, especially for the first time" (p. 199). 


Jones (1998) states that " Students often have problems using APA style, especially for the first time " (p. 199).


Notes for guiding (referencing or quoting) a website in the text:

  • The author's name, year of publication, followed by the page numbers if available.
  • If the source does not have an author, give the first or two words of the title.
  • If the date is not given, please insert "n.d." after the name of the author.


Each reference cited in the text must be indicated in the reference list. The references list only lists contributions that were used as references in text, images, etc. The list of references must be complex in alphabetical order.


Method of creating a list of references


The list of references is made up of all the sources used in paper. The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order, while using the following methodology.


Format for books:

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of book: Capital letter also for subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher.

Note: The title of the book is in italic format.



Adams, F. L., Cantor, P., Hoctor, C., Johnson, P. A., Mulroy, S. A., & Peters, M. T. (2001). Raising large families in the 21st century. Burlington, VT: Pages Press.

Wallach, M. A., & Wallach, L. (1983). Psychology’s sanction for selfishness: The error of egoism in theory and therapy. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.


Format for Journal Papers, print version:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume number(Issue number), page range.

Note: The title of the magazine and the issue are in italic form.



Kralj, M. M. (1994). Getting out of the box. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 46(2), 27-28.



Format for Journal Papers, online version:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume number(Issue number), page range. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx


Note: The title of the magazine and the issue are in italic form. If a DOI number is available, it must be specified.




Work with assigned DOI number:

Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24, 225-229. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225


Working without assigned DOI number:

Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48. Retrieved from


Format for web sources:

Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of Page/Document. Retrieved from URL

Note: The name of the page / document is in italic form.

Note: n.d. indicates that the release date is not available.



Website with the specified author:

GVU’s 8th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Website of the organization:

ETSI EG 202 843 v1.1.2, User Group (2011). Quality of ICT Services; Definitions andMethods for Assessing the QoS parameters of Customer Relationship Stages other thanutilization. Retrieved from


If the handwriting meets the criteria of the magazine, it is referred to a review. Each work will have three reviewers with an international review.



The process of reviewing the work begins with the presentation of the submitted papers by the editor-in-chief of editorial college for publication. The editor reviews the acceptability of the subject of work and the methodology, and after accepting the work by the editorial board, at least two professional reviewers, in the scope of experts in the given field, are appointed with the academic title of the master or doctor of science. The principle of the review is a closed type, with the remarks of the reviewers being sent through the Editor-in-Chief to the author. After the review of the reviewers and members of the editorial board, the manuscript is returned to the author with explanation and requirements for the completion and correction of work, if considered necessary. The corrected manuscripts should be returned to the editor within 8 days of receipt. The last part of the work review process is the proofreading of the text. This job is done by a professionally engaged lecturer and his remarks are an obligation for the author to remove them. Publishing work is under the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief. Papers, whether published or rejected, are not returned to authors.


Author declaration