Samir Čaušević, Adisa Hasković, Belma Memić, Alem Čolaković
ABSTRACT: Pan-European Research and Education Network GÉANT connects European national research and education networks - NREN (National Research and Education Networks). GÉANT is considered a network of fundamental importance for the European Union, as it is in the function of achieving the vision of the European Research Area, which enables academic cooperation throughout Europe. The South Eastern European Research and Education Networking project has begun the process of connecting South Eastern European countries to the GÉANT network so that the countries of Southeast Europe are involved in modern scientific and research and educational flows. The position of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the realization of the academic network (BIHARNET) finds the greatest responsibility in the political activity in our area, which was subsequently implied by the lack of money to continue the activities started by the SEEREN project. The paper defines basic guidelines for the implementation of the academic network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with emphasis on the proposal for the development of its infrastructure.
SAŽETAK: Panevropska istraživačka i obrazovna mreža GÉANT-a povezuje evropske nacionalne istraživačke i obrazovne mreže – NREN (National Research and Education Networks). GÉANT se smatra mrežom od temeljne važnosti za Evropsku uniju, jer je u funkciji ostvarenja vizije evropskog istraživačkog prostora, što omogućuva akademsku saradnju u cijeloj Evropi. Pokretanjem projekta SEEREN (South-Eastern European Research and Education Networking) započet je proces uvezivanja zemalja jugoistočne Evrope u GÉANT mrežu, kako bi zemlje jugoistočne Evrope bile uključene u savremene naučno istraživačke i obrazovne tokove. Pozicija Bosne i Hercegovine u realizaciji akademske mreže (BIHARNET) pronalazi najveću odgovornost u političkom djelovanju na našem prostoru, koje je potom impliciralo i nedostatak novca za nastavak aktivnosti započetih projektom SEEREN. U radu su definisane osnovne smjernice za implementaciju akademske mreže u Bosni i Hercegovini, s akcentom na prijedlog razvoja njene infrastrukture.