Association of Traffic and Communications Engineers of B&H



Saida Heco

ABSTRACT: Through an interdisciplinary approach, the aim of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of access to modern processes of globalization and the complexity of the business environment from the aspect of development and restrictions in development of postal services and postal network sustainability strategy from the aspect of environmental protection and postal service users in which postal services are performed in accordance with EU objectives and applicable EU Directives and acts of the World Postal Alliance (UPU). The basic directions of postal traffic development in BIH must be focused on meeting requirements of service customers as well as activities and initiative for addressing of issues related to sustainable development, recognizing the negative impacts of their activities to the environment, particularly on gas emissions, climate changes, natural resource protection and environmental protection. Increased usage of new technologies, users' requirements, postal reforms and postal sector transformation emphasize the need to jointly analyze changes in the environment and explore the ways to build a dynamic infrastructure capable of meeting the needs of users and accepting social responsibility for environmental protection. It is of great importance to enable the synergy of postal services with traffic infrastructure and state administration, as well as raise awareness and education level of the employees of BiH postal sector about environmental protection and development of corresponding standards and regulations related to the quality of postal services. The needs of the consumer society impose questions related to environmental protection and existing energy sources. It is necessary to make international contacts in the field of postal regulation in order to be able to measure achieved level of realization of 2  universal postal service with effectiveness of public postal operator and application of the most effective strategy which will successfully respond to all the challenges of contemporary business and complexity of the business environment.


SAŽETAK: Cilj rada je kroz interdisciplinarni pristup prikazati značaj pristupa savremenim procesima globalizacije i složenosti poslovnog okruženja sa aspekta razvoja  i ograničenja  napredovanja tržišta poštanskih usluga i strategije održivosti poštanske mreže sa aspekta zaštite životne sredine i korisnika poštanskih usluga u kojoj se obavljaju poštanske usluge u skladu sa ciljevima EU i važećim direktivama EU i aktima Svjetskog poštanskog saveza (UPU). Osnovni pravci razvoja poštanskog saobraćaja u BIH moraju biti usmjereni ka ispunjavanju zahtjeva korisnika usluga kao i aktivnostima i incijativama za rješavanje pitanja održivog razvoja, prepoznavši negativne utjecaje svojih aktivnosti na životnu sredinu, posebno na  emisiju gasova, klimatske promjene, zaštitu prirodnih resursa i zaštitu okoline. Povećano korištenje novih tehnologija, zahtjevi korisnika, poštanske reforme i transformacija poštanskog sektora ističu potrebu za zajedničkim analiziranjem promjene okruženja i istraživanje načina za izgradnju dinamične infrastrukture sposobne da zadovolji potrebe korisnika i prihvatanju društvene odgovornosti o zaštiti životne sredine. Od velikog je značaja omogućavanje sinergije poštanskih usluga sa saobraćajnom infrastrukturom i državnom upravom kao i  podizanje svjesti i edukacije zaposlenih u poštanskom sektoru BIH o zaštiti životne sredine i razvoju odgovarajućih standarda i regulative koje se odnose na kvalitet poštanskih usluga. Potrebe potrošačkog društva nameću pitanja očuvanja zaštite životne sredine i postojećih izvora energije. Neophodno je  ostvarivati međunarodne kontakte u oblasti poštanske regulative kako bi se dostignuti nivo realizacije univerzalne poštanske usluge mjerili sa efikasnošću javnog poštanskog operatera i primjene najdjelotvornije strategije koja će uspješno odgovoriti svim izazovima savremenog poslovanja i složenosti poslovnog okruženja.