Association of Traffic and Communications Engineers of B&H



Adem Zolj, Dženita Suljović, Adnan Alikadić

ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to present the benefits of the Law on Motorways on corridor Vc in relation to the implementation of the Environmental Protection Act when issuing an environmental permit for the construction of a motorway on Corridor Vc. Unlike the environmental permit procedure prescribed by the Environmental Law, the Law on Motorways on Corridor Vc prescribes that, on the basis of the Environmental Impact Study, along with the elaboration of the main project of the motorway section, an elaborate of measures to mitigate the impact of the construction of the motorway is being prepared. According to the aforementioned law, the environmental study contains measures for protection or mitigation of impacts such as noise protection, closed drainage system, waste management plan, etc. At the Environment Study, the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism issues an opinion on compliance with the Environmental Impact Study.

The investor is obliged to submit an environmental report with a request for approval for the construction of a motorway as a complex structure, a stock or a sub-section of a motorway or building on a section of the motorway that constitutes a separate construction unit. The Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism will approve the environmental report in the building approval and order its implementation in the phase of the works. When performing works on the construction of a motorway as a complex construction or a part of a motorway or a building on a section of a motorway that constitutes a separate construction unit, works from the environment study will be carried out as environmental protection measures and will be subject to supervision and verification by authorized supervisors. According to the completed construction works, in accordance with the main project, a technical inspection of the motorway as a complex facility or a part of the highway or building will be initiated on the part of the motorway that is a separate building. Within the framework of the technical inspection, the implementation of the measures from the environmental study will be carried out.

On the basis of the performed verification of performed works envisaged by the environmental study, the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism will issue an environmental permit if it determines that the construction of the motorway has not been vitally endangered by any protected value, i.e. If all the envisaged measures from the environmental report have been implemented.

The said Law prescribes that the environmental permit is issued during the procedure for issuing the authorization for use, while Article 54 of the Environmental Protection Act stipulates that the competent authority will not issue urban consent or other necessary consents for projects for which an environmental impact assessment is necessary if the request No environmental permit was submitted.

Since the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism is in charge of issuing an environmental permit, the provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection as lex specialis are currently being applied for issuing the same, which complicates and slows down the process of preparation of technical documentation and the issuance of the necessary approvals and approvals for the construction of a motorway as a complex facility or Part of the highway or building on the part of the highway that makes a separate building.



SAŽETAK: Cilj rada je da se prezentiraju prednosti Zakona o autocesti na Koridoru Vc u odnosu na primjenu Zakona o zaštiti okoliša pri izdavanju okolinske dozvole za izgradnju autoceste na Koridoru Vc. Za razliku od postupka izdavanja okolinske dozvole propisanog Zakonom o zaštiti okoliša, Zakon o autocesti na Koridoru Vc, propisuje da se na temelju Studije o utjecaju na okoliš, uporedo sa izradom glavnog projekta dionice autoceste izrađuje elaborat mjera ublažavanja utjecaja izgradnje autoceste. Prema navedenom zakonu elaborat okoliša sadrži mjere zaštite ili ublažavanja utjecaja kao što su zaštita od buke, zatvoreni sistem odvodnje, plan upravljanja otpadom i dr. Na elaborat okoliša Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma izdaje mišljenje o usklađenosti sa Studijom o utjecaju na okoliš.

Investitor je dužan priložiti elaborat okoliša uz zahtjev za odobrenje za građenje autoceste kao složene građevine, dionice ili poddionice autoceste ili objekta na dijelu autoceste koji čini zasebnu građevinsku cjelinu. Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma će u odobrenju za građenje odobriti elaborat okoliša i naložiti njegovu realizaciju u fazi izvođenja radova. Tokom izvođenja radova na izgradnji autoceste kao složene građevine ili dijela autoceste ili objekta na dijelu autoceste koji čini zasebnu građevinsku cjelinu izvodit će se radovi iz elaborata okoliša kao mjere zaštite okoliša i biti će podložne nadzoru i verifikaciji od ovlaštenih nadzornih lica. Prema završenim građevinskim radovima u skladu sa glavnim projektom pristupit će se tehničkom pregledu autoceste kao složenog objekta ili dijela autoceste ili objekta na dijelu autoceste koji čini zasebnu građevinu. U sklopu tehničkog pregleda izvršit će se i provjera realizacije mjera iz elaborata okoliša.

Na temelju izvršene provjere izvedenih radova koji su predviđeni elaboratom okoliša, Federalno ministarsvo okoliša i turizma izdat će okolišnu dozvolu ako utvrdi da izgradnja autoceste nije vitalno ugrozila bilo koju zaštićenu vrijednost, tj. ako su sprovedene sve predviđene mjere iz elaborata okoliša.

Navedenim Zakonom je propisano da se okolišna dozvola izdaje u postupku izdavanja odobrenja za upotrebu, dok je članom 54. Zakona o zaštiti okoliša propisano da nadležni organ neće izdati urbanističku saglasnost ili druge neophodne saglasnosti za projekte za koje je neophodna procjena utjecaja na okoliš ukoliko uz zahtjev nije dostavljena okolinska dozvola.

Obzirom da je Federalno ministarsvo okoliša i turizma nadležno za izdavanje okolinske dozvole, za izdavanje iste se trenutno primjenjuju odredbe Zakona o zaštiti okoliša kao lex specialis što otežava i usporava proces pripreme tehničke dokumentacije i izdavanja potrebnih saglasnosti i odobrenja za izgradnju autoceste kao složenog objekta ili dijela autoceste ili objekta na dijelu autoceste koji čini zasebnu građevinu.